Ageing research
Business of ageing
The Business of Ageing Project highlights the potential economic contribution older people will make to New Zealand over coming decades. The Business of Ageing reports outline the growing value of the labour market participation, income, tax, spending, and voluntary/unpaid work of seniors.
Attitudes towards ageing
The Attitudes towards Ageing research project was undertaken to understand New Zealanders’ attitudes towards older people and to ageing.
Older Māori and Work
To better understand the experience of older Māori in work a literature review of peer reviewed research published between 2011 and 2022 was completed. This identified that there were gaps in our knowledge of the experiences of older Māori in lower paid work, manual work, insecure work, and of urban Māori.
Using data from the New Zealand Health Work and Retirement Study research was conducted to examine secure and precarious for older Māori workers.