Elder Abuse Response Service

The Elder Abuse Response Service is a free, confidential 24 hour helpline.

Get help

If you have concerns about how you are being treated or feel frightened or at risk, help is available. It’s free, and available 24 hours a day.

Freephone: 0800 32 668 65
Text: 5032
Email: support@elderabuse.nz

If you are in immediate danger, call 111 and ask for the Police.

What is elder abuse?

Elder abuse can involve many different types of behaviour – it’s not just violence or assault. It could also be:

  • being threatened, humiliated or harassed
  • someone misusing or stealing your money
  • someone trying to pressure you to sign legal documents
  • any non-consensual sexual activity.

If you feel scared, frightened or at risk, the Elder Abuse Response Service can help.

What happens when you call the helpline

When you call the helpline, you’ll be put in touch with a trained coordinator who works in your region.

The coordinator will:

  • ask for consent to assess your situation
  • work with you to make sure you are safe and help you manage the risk of abuse or neglect
  • identify and work with other organisations who can help and support you, including police, health providers, lawyers, banks and government agencies.


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