Homeshare Pilot

To help promote a wider range of housing options for older people, the Office for Seniors received funding through Budget 2022 to pilot Homeshare.

Homeshare is an agency-coordinated, shared housing option where an older homeowner accommodates another adult to live with them in exchange for support around the house. The match is supported throughout by a dedicated agency.

For the pilot, we will be working with Age Concern Auckland to support Homeshare arrangements in the Auckland region.

Homeshare is a model with a proven track record overseas. We are working with Homeshare Australia and New Zealand Alliance to support Age Concern Auckland in designing and implementing the pilot.

Related reading:

Homeshare report

Key Area 3 - Creating diverse housing choices and options

Media Release: Life changing housing programme brings young and old together

Homeshare pilot launched | Te Tari Kaumātua (

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