Implementing the strategy

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Implementing the strategy
Te whakatinana i te rautaki

Next steps
Te anga whakamua


  • Public consultation and launch of the new strategy with initial actions
  • Implementation of initial actions begins.


  • Outcomes framework developed to measure the progress of the strategy – baseline data available early 2020
  • Implementation of initial actions continues.


  • Action plan for 2021–2024 developed by the Office for Seniors
  • Implementation of 2021–2024 action plan begins
  • Two-yearly report on initial actions.


  • Two-yearly report on action plan and outcomes


  • Five-yearly review

How we will do it
Tā mātou e mahi ai

The Office for Seniors will work with other agencies to develop an outcomes framework to measure the progress towards implementing the strategy with baseline data being available in early 2020, with the first report on progress on the outcomes being reported in 2023.

Initial actions

To maintain momentum and progress, implementation of the initial actions will be progressed during 2019/20 while the action plan is being developed.

Action plan

The action plan will contain actions to achieve the ‘what needs to happen’ statements and will contain who is responsible for achieving the actions, and when the action will be achieved by for the period 2021–2024.

Monitoring and governance

A Ministerial Steering Group will monitor the strategy. The Steering Group will be chaired by the Minister for Seniors and will include Ministers whose portfolios align with the strategy’s key areas for action. An Officials Steering Group will support the Ministerial Steering Group. These groups will meet regularly to manage implementation issues, identify and mitigate risks, and track progress.

Progress on the action plan will be tracked by two-yearly reporting to the Government on actions taken. These reports will be published on the Office for Seniors website.

Five years after the action plan for this strategy is in place, a review of the strategy will be undertaken. This is unless the Minister for Seniors considers that the strategic context has not changed substantially enough to warrant a review.

New information and emerging issues mean that this strategy needs to be flexible and may need to be adapted to recognise changing circumstances.

Initial actions 2019–2020
Ngā mahi tuatahi 2019–2020

This strategy highlights many things we can do to ensure that all people can live a better later life. The Office for Seniors will develop an action plan to implement the strategy over the next two years, detailing who is responsible for each action.

To maintain momentum in the meantime, some initial actions (listed below) are already underway or will begin in 2019/20.

Some of these initial actions focus on people facing challenging situations, like those subject to elder abuse, those with insecure rental tenure, and those who are socially isolated. Several initial actions have broader benefits for all New Zealanders as we age, such as continuing to implement Age friendly Aotearoa New Zealand and encouraging positive attitudes towards older people.

Key area Initial actions
Achieving financial security and economic participation
  • Work with workplaces to employ people over the age of 50 through providing guidance to employers on supporting older workers to contribute their potential. Reduce barriers to older workers’ employment.
  • The State sector will role model good practice in the employment and support of older workers, trialling approaches that could be used outside of government.
  • Further enhance the SuperGold Card to deliver additional benefits – including improved awareness and access to discounts.
Promoting healthy ageing and improving access to services
  • Continue to implement the Healthy Ageing Strategy 2016 and the New Zealand Disability Strategy 2016.
  • Work across government and social sector agencies to improve access and co-ordinate assistance to socially isolated and other vulnerable older people.
  • Develop initiatives that better address the physical and social determinants of health (Healthy Ageing Strategy 2016).
  • Continue to implement falls prevention programmes. These initial actions will also contribute to ‘Enhancing opportunities for participation and social inclusion’.
Creating diverse housing choices and options
  • Reform the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 to improve security and stability of tenure, promote good-faith relationships in the rental environment, and ensure there are appropriate protections in place for both landlords and tenants.
  • Increase the supply of public housing.
  • Strengthen Housing New Zealand’s focus on tenants’ needs to ensure older people in public housing feel secure and supported.
  • Reduce homelessness and support people who are at risk of homelessness.
  • Establish a cross-government working group to identify and progress opportunities to improve housing options for people as they age and better enable older people to live in age and disability-friendly homes (Healthy Ageing Strategy 2016).
Enhancing opportunities for participation and social connection
  • Combat elder abuse and neglect by raising awareness and reducing its prevalence.
  • Improve digital skills and inclusion of older people to ensure they are not excluded from the benefits of a technological world.
  • Improve access and availability of Adult and Community Education courses to enable older people to be engaged in learning and involved in their communities.
  • Promote positive attitudes to older people and address ageism through raising awareness of age discrimination.
  • Promote the uptake of enduring power of attorney.
Making environments accessible
  • Work with government agencies and local authorities to continue to plan for, and take action to respond to, population ageing.
  • Continue to promote the development of Age friendly Aotearoa New Zealand.

Who will help deliver this strategy
Mā wai e āwhina ki te tuku i te rautaki

This strategy provides a common road map for central and local government, NGOs, businesses and communities to achieve better outcomes for all New Zealanders as we age, identifying key issues, trends and areas for action.

Government cannot deliver this strategy alone. Everyone has a role in implementing it.

Central government has a role in addressing older people’s issues and continuing to respond to an ageing population. The development of this strategy is only one step. Central government can show leadership and ensure that appropriate policies are in place to respond to the challenges and opportunities that arise from population ageing.

Local government also has a key role in making sure communities cater for the needs of their older populations. Urban planning and public transport, design of public spaces and provision of local facilities all affect older people’s ability to stay in the community, to stay connected and physically active, and to feel safe.

Families and whānau have a significant role in supporting their older loved ones. At the individual level, how well we prepare for later life can greatly affect how well we live in our later years.

NGOs, social enterprises, businesses and community groups also have a key role to play in advocating for and addressing older people’s issues and continuing to support people as they age.

Together, we can make later life better for all New Zealanders.

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