Implementing the Action Plan

Te whakatinanatanga i te Mahere Mahi

Tracking progress

We will develop a monitoring approach by mid-2022 to track the progress on the actions and overall changes in older workers' participation in training, support services and work itself.

Monitoring will form the basis of regular reviews of the plan and actions to make sure they are having positive impacts, or to identify where adjustments should be made.

We will provide information about the progress of the plan to:

▷ Ministers of agencies with responsibilities for specific actions

▷ the Employment, Education and Training Ministerial Group (EETMG)

▷ Cabinet (as part of regular updates on the Employment Strategy)

▷ the public and non-government stakeholders.

Resourcing the plan

The implementation of the actions identified in this plan will either be resourced by the responsible government agencies within their existing funding, or further funding will be sought, or initiatives adjusted accordingly. Resourcing requirements may also change as actions develop.

A living plan

The OWEAP has no set end date. The actions will be reviewed and updated as work progresses, and new opportunities arise

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